project management tips

The Value of Lessons Learned


Every project encounters challenges. How the team handles them, and what they learn, can be a valuable tool for future projects if it is leveraged properly.

This months post comes to us from Kenneth Darter over at Project Smart. He discusses proper methods to document Lessons Learned in your project (both positive and negative), when to document, and how to bring that knowledge forward to run future projects more effectively in your organization.

Are you using Lessons Learned to their best effectiveness in your project?

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13 Project Management Terms You Should Know

Happy New Year!

This month’s post is an “infographic” provided by Visually, and it gives explanations for thirteen common Project Management terms.

Many of these are common sense, and if you’ve worked on a project you’ve probably heard them (especially from your PM!) That said, you may not have, and it’s a handy primer that all project team members should be familiar with. Communication is a huge part of project management, and if your entire project team is “speaking the same language” and familiar with common expressions, it can increase their chances for success.

7 Questions To Ask About Your Project Scope

This month’s article comes from the PMTIPS blog, and focuses on some key questions your team should ask when defining the scope of your project.

One of the first things to do when you start a new project is to work out what it actually involves. As well as all the workshops about requirements and the documentation that results, there are some other things to investigate as part of your project scope.

Sit down with your project sponsor or other key users on the project and go through this checklist of 7 questions you should be asking about your project scope. They’ll appreciate that you have taken the time to ask and you’ll get a much better understanding of what they are expecting the project to deliver on their behalf.

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